QuickBooks Online – File Preparation

Conversion Turnaround Time:

The conversion will take up to 5 busines days from when you have:

  1. Selected your conversion service
  2. Given us access to QBO
  3. Advised as to how you want the bank accounts to be treated in Xero (premium packages only). *

* Please be advised -If bank mapping is not completed within a 48 hour timeframe we will complete this on your behalf.


The cleaner your data – the smoother your conversion to Xero.

What not to do before giving Jet Convert access to your QuickBooks Online:

  1. Do not start a Xero Organisation unless you are a Xero Partner with approval to convert into Existing Xero Organisations.
    NOTE: We can not convert to a trial version of Xero.
  2. Do not change any account types in QBO prior to conversion.

BEFORE you give Jet Convert access to QuickBooks Online:

ESSENTIAL File Preparation:

ATTENTION: Please note if the Essential File Preparation is not completed prior to starting your conversion a reconversion charge may apply.

WARNING: Some banks require credit cards to be set up as bank accounts in Xero in order to connect bank feeds. More information.

OPTIONAL File Preparation: